THE PICTURES: [1990] [1991] [1992] [1993] [1994] [1995] [1996] [1997] [1999]

1990 You can geh'n, but your scalp remains here!
1991 Herzilein
1992 Beer Mark (DMark)
In the RKHeim it is merry
Every time I am sad...
1993 Sing Hallelujah
1994 Death
Cotton Eye Joe
Only the best ones die young
An island
Alice - bring ' m'r etzt mei bright
The mountain calls - Dance
Will lot
1996 Appearance of the fan club 1996
Chute: Insomnia
Kotzt mi a ' (How bizarre)
Tanze Samba with me
the high point: The bells of Rome
1997 Appearance of the Allgaeu Trios
Chute: Wild Boys
In the German Red Cross home (over the clouds)
Scandal around Guggenmusi' (scandal around Rosie)
1998 Black day in history of the GLU
1999 The ultimative Millenium appearance of the GLU:
Intro (you are so quiet)
Chute: Indiana Jones
So ischess stop, it isch stop so (Pretty Fly)
the high point: Live Strip with Herby Orlowski


A hard time - much fire water and above all: much Angola.In this time of drinking the steep and still continuous career of theGuggenmusik began is enough for pants. For the others it only onegiant was Besaeufnis, but for many it was a Sylvester 1990, whichshould remain for a long time in memory. This event was thefoundation-stone of the Guggenmusik, which were brought by Herby intobeing.


The first year, in which we found almost independently ourRythmus (only with the help of a small inconspicuous Taktometers), andalso our vocal cords to have so correctly strained. Additionally thepublic required the first time an addition, which we suppliednaturally spontaneously.


In this year we entered correctly: Light effects,Showeinlagen, adjustment of two pyrotechnikern for sound and Lightshowetc.. Additionally were we our time far ahead: Pump off was onlypossible with the help of a HighTechHifiSoundComputers. This shouldopen a new horizon to us; we floated all on cloud 7 (see pictures).


Anniversary output of the Guggenmusik: 5 years successfulSylvesterprogramm. From this cause we arranged a program, whichparticularly attracted many spectators, who were not disappointed,although we dealt with ourselves with a delicate topic: death. Theexpenditure however was large, consumption of costumes and windowblinds was very highly, also Herbys Jetta was abused (straw ballinternal message). At the Sylvesterabend then still bad rumors madethe round, according to which Arndt concealed us its new friend(Martha).


1995 were to date the absolute high point in the history ofthe Guggenmusik. We did not have to occur it also more necessarily bythe Tuere. Instead deliberated we us upon the good old custom of theFensterlns. Then directly Coolmaen a hot DanceAct full-led 3. Withsupport of our new nebula machine our chute was the event! Itfollowed " will lot ", what transformed the RKHeim into a witchboiler. The raving quantity required an addition, which we gave her: Bakermaen! Bakermaen is cult, at the latest since the sportsmanball 1996!

1995 gave for the first time it to two groups, which made theSylvesterabend unforgettable. Except the Guggenmusik the JRKlerKarla, Martina, Wolfgang and Pepe supplied a stage-ripe Show, whichmade us clear that only the best ones die young. Additionally Alicewas away, and with it the beer. This disaster did not prevent thefour however to be good mood; the Dieler Guenter procured thematerial.


This year received we support to quite special type. The "fan club Guggenmusik long pants 1996 " heated the quantity upcorrectly for us. The whole evening Guggenmusikfaehnchen wereswivelled; the tendency was much good! Owing to again at Karla,Martina, Wolfgang!

We deliberated us again on our dichterischen abilities (kotztmi a '), which was honored by the public with stormy applause.Afterwards there was an addition quite special type: Tanze Samba withme. There we could prove our suedlaendisches temper so correctly.The bells transformed our beautiful new home into a witch boiler.


The " fan club Guggenmusik long pants 1996 " had emanzipiertitself in this year something and calls themselves since that timeAllgaeu Trio. They offered a second adequate program, which alreadyappeared with their professional chute. All three brought in on theirhot   furnaces under the tosenden applause of the spectatorsand conversed on the excellent. Afterwards followed a short break,which should end differently, than that could itself have painted thepresent ones in their boldest Trueumen ever! The to date mostspectacular appearance of the Guggenmusik should follow.

The strained silence, those meanwhile before each appearanceof the Guggenmusik occurs briefly in this year was suddenlyinterrupted. The deafening noise of a power saw frightened thespectators up. Waerend it strained the Tuere anstarrten could itobserve, how a saw blade split these. Frighten was in the faces to beread off. Would it dare the Guggenmusik tasaechlich to sacrifice theexpensive and new Tuere to only have in order times a chute whichplaces all preceding into the shadow? Finally fallow a part of theTuere out and behind it was visible a shape wrapped in nebulas. TheGuggenmusiker occurred, and the initial doubt yielded the soberrealization: They did it tasaechlich!

A furioser invasion with ' game Boys ' followed.Subsequently, we gave a changed text version of ' over the clouds ' tothe best one, what was welcomed with the already used rejoicing. Usthe quantity did not let natural pull without an addition andspontaneously improvised we to the music of ' scandal around Rosie 'the piece, which will be received as the GUGGENMUSIK LONG PANT SONGinto the annals of history. This Musikstaeck expresses best, which aspectator of an appearance of the Guggenmusik can expect, and whichescapes it, if he festet Sylvester not with the Guggenmusik. P.S.:As itself subsequent; was the Tuere, which was sawed, put out an oldTuere, which was converted however in such a way that of the genuineone was not to be differentiated. This circumstance was taken by allpresent ones (v.a. of our line crew) relieved to the knowledge, whichcould be read off directly in its faces. Drum notices: TheGuggenmusik is always good for a surprise!


Sylvester 1998 should become the blackest day in the historyof the Guggenmusik. This year should the Guggenmusik the possibilitydoes not receive a its being able to prove. The faithful fans of theGuggenmusik wanted to celebrate Sylvester elsewhere. When thisHiobsbotschaft made the round, the desperate members saw themselvestape forced to that to call their appearance off at this Sylvester.Bad rumors already were in the circulation. Is the Guggenmusik beforethe from? Should it have already been that? The Guggenmusik slowlyold and was outdated? The desperate GLU musicians perhaps even whichwould do themselves, in view of the forthcoming end? Questions overquestions, which already briefly found a good response after Sylvesterhowever. The fans of the Guggenmusik stated that a Sylvester withoutthe Guggenmusik is more comparable with current without counters. Itpraised all to support and celebrate at Sylvester 1999 with usedreproduction the Guggenmusik. And that Sylvester will become 1999 aspecial Sylvester, it appears now already. First of all theGuggenmusik celebrates in this year its tenth birthday and Milleniumis finally also still. It is thus clear that the Guggenmusik goes1999 again into the full ones and arranges (like each year) a programof the superlative. We all could be strained.


' They more never come bake! ' This record applies to alldifferent, but not for the exception tape Guggenmusik long pants.After the break in the last year many, that meant it was probably beenbeen missing with the GLU, but far! Of course the tape members couldnot answer for it to disappoint their fans. Also this year feverfulone puzzled, which could be broken in the Guggenmusik probably again,in order to inspire their public. But the voltage lasted on toSylvester. Even various feeler gauges and Groopies could not get toknow, which would probably make the GLU. The result was a trueMillenium party of the all-finest. Since the chute was always  very spectacular, the tape members had already somewhat toexert over the expert public which to offer to be able. First it wasinformed briefly, why the Guggenmusik is always so celestial: The GLUis on behalf of the gentleman on the way. That is located even in theBible: ' on the fourth day God created the Guggenmusik '. Thenfollow the result of our arduous creative phase: the execution of ahalsbrecherischen Stunts. The Guggenmusiker roped itself in IndianaJones manners from swindle-exciting height under application of itslife.

Subsequently, we brought again times a kloines song, in whichwe besungen, which 1999 were like that everything. Then came for manyin the public the einschneidenste Momen in its life: An event, ofwhich many will tell their grandchildren still in many years. ToMilleniums party could win the GLU as a Guest star the internationallyexperienced Stripper Herby Orlowski. Also he expressed himselfthroughout positively to the Show of the GLU. however its appearanceplaced everything in the shadows. The raving quantity (v.a. women)were to be held from the numerous Bodyguards only with trouble fromthe conquest of the stage. Herby Orlowski put a Show down, whichlooks its-same up. To the termination, when Herby Orlowski saidseveral times: ' I Love You ' melted many woman hearts there. Afterits appearance one heard many say: ' which interests me the crazyMillenium - I saw Herby Orlowski '.

After this absolute highlight the question arises whether theGuggenmusik can be long pants still able to exceed such Events widerumparticularly since the tape members showed each year on the new fullapplication also its tracks leaves (fire wounds, gotten caught bellsetc.). The worst is to be feared, i.e. that the Milleniums appearanceof the GLU could have been last their. If one is after the foreignexchange ' Wenn's at the most beautiful one, one is to stop ' goes,then would be now ganau the correct point in time for it. We willsee. Perhaps but are recent talents, whom continues thesylvesterlichen appearances already become the tradition. The AllgaeuTrio showed, which is possible that.

THE PICTURES: [1990] [1991] [1992] [1993] [1994] [1995] [1996] [1997] [1999]

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